
Lao Zi

Lao Zi
Laozi (Chinese 老子, also transliterated as Lao Tzu, Lao Tse, Laotze, and in other ways) is a major figure in Chinese philosophy whose historical existence is debated. According to Chinese tradition, he lived in the 6th century BCE.

Lao Zi (老子 Lǎozi, also spelled Lao Tzu, Lao Tse or Lao Tze in Wade-Giles), was a famous Chinese philosopher who lived in approximately the 4th century BC, during the Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Periods. He is credited with writing the seminal Taoist work, the Tao Te Ching.


The name Lao Zi is an honorific title. Lao (老) means "venerable" or "old". Zi (子) translates literally as "boy", but it was also a term for a rank of nobleman equivalent to viscount, as well as a term of respect attached to the names of revered scholars. Thus, "Lao Zi" can be translated roughly as "the old master".

Lao Zi's personal name was Lǐ Ěr (李耳), his courtesy name was Boyang (伯陽), and his posthumous name was Dān, (聃) which means "Mysterious".

Lao Zi is also known as:
Elder Dan (老聃)
Senior Lord (老君)
Senior Lord Li (李老君)
Senior Lord Taishang (太上老君 Tàishàng Lǎojūn)
Taoist Lord Lao Zi (老子道君)

In the Li Tang Dynasty, in order to create a connection to Lao Zi as the ancestor of the imperial family, he was given a posthumous name of Emperor Xuanyuan (玄元皇帝), meaning "Profoundly Elementary;" and a temple name of Shengzu (聖祖), meaning "Saintly/Sagely Progenitor."

His life

Little is known about Lao Zi's life. His historical existence is strongly debated as is his authorship on the Tao Te Ching. Tradition says he was born in Ku Prefecture (苦縣 Kǔ Xiàn) of the state of Chǔ (楚), which today is Lùyì County (鹿邑) of Henan province, in the later years of Spring and Autumn Period. Some legends say he was born with white hair, which is given as an explanation for his title, which can be read as "the old child".

According to the tradition, Lao Zi was an older contemporary of Confucius and worked as an archivist in the Imperial Library of the Zhou Dynasty court. Confucius intentionally or accidentally met him in Zhou, near the location of modern Luoyang, where Confucius was going to browse the library scrolls. According to these stories, Confucius, over the following months, discussed ritual and propriety, cornerstones of Confucianism, with Lao Zi. The latter strongly opposed what he felt to be hollow practices. Taoist legend claims that these discussions proved more educational for Confucius than the contents of the libraries.

Afterwards, Lao Zi resigned from his post, perhaps because the authority of Zhou's court was diminishing. Some accounts claim he travelled west on his water buffalo through the state of Qin and from there disappeared into the vast desert. These accounts have a guard at the western-most gate convincing Lao Zi to write down his wisdom before heading out into the desert. Until this time, Lao Zi had shared his philosophy in spoken words only, as was also the case with Socrates, Jesus, Buddha and Confucius (whose Analects were most likely compiled by disciples). Lao Zi's response to the soldier's request was the Tao Te Ching.

Some of the modern controversies concerning Lao Zi's life include:
The discussion requested by Confucius might have been fabricated by Taoists to make their school of philosophy sound superior to Confucianism.
The actual author(s) of Tao Te Ching might have created a fictitious character so the origin of the text would look more mysterious, thus making it easier to popularize.
Arguments have been put forth that Lao Zi was a pseudonym of Dan, Prefect of the Grand Scribes (Tài Shǐ Dàn, 太史儋); or of an old man from Lai, a prefecture in the state of Qí (齊); or of some other historical person.

His work

Lao Zi's famous work, the Tao Te Ching, has been enormously influential in China. The book is a mystical treatise covering many areas of philosophy, from individual spirituality to techniques for governing societies. He believed in "Tao" (pinyin: Dào), which translates as "the Way", and implies an unnameable inherent order or property of the universe. He believed in the concept of wu-wei, or "action through inaction". Many would say that this does not mean that one should sit around and do nothing; but rather, that actions taken in accordance with Tao are easier and more productive than actively attempting to counter the Tao. Lao Zi believed that violence should be avoided when possible, and that military victory was an occasion to mourn the necessity of using force against another living thing, rather than an occasion for triumphant celebrations. Lao Zi also indicated that codified laws and rules result in society becoming more difficult to manage.

Although Lao Zi does not have as deep an influence as Confucius does in China, he is still widely respected by the Chinese. Confucius and Lao Zi are the best-known Chinese philosophers in the Western world.

A leader is best when people barely know that he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him. "Fail to honor people, They fail to honor you." But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will all say, "We did this ourselves."
"Scholars of the highest class, when they hear about the Tao, take it and practice it earnestly. Scholars of the middle class, when they hear of it, take it half earnestly. Scholars of the lowest class, when they hear of it, laugh at it. If it were not laughed at, it would not be fit to be the Tao."



Yeoido Park(Seoul City/South Korea)

Yeoido Park(Seoul City/South Korea)
Yeoido Park is located in Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu. Its 229,538 m² area consists of 4 zones: Korean traditional garden, green area, cultural plaza, and natural ecological forest. These spaces are famous for nature, culture, and sports for all citizens. Nearby office workers also come here to relax on short breaks. Tourists can enjoy a leisurely view of Seoul's modern skyline and Nam-san from one of the cruise boats that ply between Yeouido lsland and Jamsil. Water sports are also becoming increasingly popular. Because of its transformation into a sophisticated government and financial center, the "island" of Yeouido is sometimes called the 'Manhattan of Seoul.' Yeouido is home to the National Assembly, Korean Stock Exchange, many large corporate headquarters, and Korea's three broadcasting stations: KBS, MBC, and SBS. Nearby Korean Life Insurance Building , with its 63 floors, is one of Asia's tallest buildings. and, as such, has become a popular tourist attraction. Yunjung-ro, the road behind the National Assembly, is famous for cherry-blossom viewing parties in mid April. At that time, all roads are crowded with lovers, friends, and families.
Located near subway stations and bus stops, the park is convenient for transportation. The outside stage along the river side often has events and concerts for visitors. People enjoy life with motor gliding, motorcar race, water skiing, bicycling, and Kite Flying. The bicycle path (2.4 km) and walking path (3.9 km) are the favorite spots of the Park.